

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wake up Call

It's been a rather interesting few days to say the least. I woke up monday morning with chest pain and left arm pain. All the tv shows say if you have that combination, go tot he E.R. so we did. Turns out...and this was a huge shock to me...that I'd had a heart attack. Cardiologist called in, does heart catherization and finds blockage. Puts two stents in and I'm on the way to recovery. Sounds pretty simple right? I'm told to go home, rest and heal up. Healing I can do...resting is going to be another matter entirely.

I got up this morning thinking, 'oh crud, I'm running late for work,' then realized. I'm not allowed to go to work. The resulting emotional meltdown scared the cats, baffled my husband and left me with a rotten headach. I guess I have to just suck it up and deal. But I have to say this. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! I want to go to work, I want to go to class. I want to do my homework. and I'm told I can't do any of those things yet.

According to the nurses at Memorial, this is pretty normal. Jody and Henry were excellent in their care of me, so I guess they must know what they are talking about. It's hard to change the way you've done things your whole life. I'm guessing nobody expects this to be a 100% overnight change, that would be pretty ridiculous to expect, right?

I guess I'll have plenty of time on my hands to rest (grrrrrrr) and read. Thank goodness I love to read, but I'll probably have everything I own read before the summer is over. Ok...time to stop this whine fest and get on with things. I'm alive and I have a bright future ahead of me, the rest will work itself out.


Professor Ladybug said...

Take care of yourself, Lori! The library may become your new best friend!

Tamara said...

Blessings, Lori,
May your recovery be quick and your heart light.

Butterfly said...

Hi Lori
I am glad you're feelng better.
Take a break, relax and get well for your graduation.

PODblogger said...

Hello Lori! I sure hope everything is getting better and that you are doing much better. I read the post that Mrs. S wrote about you. How shocking. You've been in my prayers! Take the time and rest up!

Tonya said...

Hi Lori, I'm still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I sure do look forward to meeting you at graduation!! So definitely take time for yourself to rest up and feel better!! All good things get better with time and I am sure you are on your way to an awesome recovery because you are a great person =) Take Care and we'll chat with you soon. Oh yeah, I really dig your blog page and the bookwyrm dragon. great creativity Lori, excellent blog!!

Kay11 said...

I hope you will be okay! I must say, we had a wake up call ourselves in February. My boyfriend's mother who will be 50 in June had a massive heart attack and was life lined across the state. She scared us, but she is still here. Sometimes a wake up call, even though it might not always be great, is the best thing that can happen. We all have a little more appreciation for the day, for our lives, for each other and everything we have. His mom and dad have never been so patient with each other and are working together for both of them to be in better health.
Take this for everything that it is worth. It will be hard, but there will be light at the end of the tunnel.