

Friday, April 30, 2010

New Beginnings

Last night during Honors Convocation T. S. Eliot was quoted. "In my end is my beginning." I really liked that and it's spoken to me a lot since then. I have all kinds of new beginnings happening in my life now.

A new beginnging:
Because I am graduating and moving onto the next phase of school
Because I had a wake up call and have to change my life
Because I am no longer a smoker
Because I am eating healthier than I ever have
Because I can hear the birds chirping now (where I might have ignored them before)

There are also endings:
The end of my time at Ivy Tech as a student
The end of just coasting along life thinking I was doing ok
The end of dirty ashtrays and spending money I could better use elsewhere
The end of high fat high sodium diets
The end of ignoring the simple things in life.

So in these endings are my new beginnings. The new beginnings that will lead to a happier,healthier, more creative life. Some people fear change, I did to for awhile, I've come to see change is just a new beginning and something to be treasured not feared.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I am very happy for you, Lori, in all that you have achieved. Every end is as a new bridge to another world full of beginnigs. Your memories will take you back. Your dreams will take you forward. Best of luck in everything, Lori.